Subaru Battery Settlement 2024: Class Action Lawsuit Payment News, Eligibility, Payment Date, Amount

Here you’ll find information about the Subaru Battery Settlement 2024, including details on the class action lawsuit payment, eligibility, payment date, and amount. Owning a reliable vehicle is crucial for getting around, especially during emergencies. Unfortunately, many customers have faced battery issues with their Subaru vehicles. With the settlement process underway, customers who filed the case are eagerly awaiting their payments and are hoping to receive them soon.

Subaru Battery Settlement 2024

Electric vehicles offer a convenient mode of transportation, but the performance of the battery is crucial. Subaru has faced significant issues with their vehicle batteries, leading to serious accidents and life-threatening situations for several individuals. The company’s failure to provide effective batteries has resulted in numerous customer complaints and safety concerns.

A lawsuit was filed by affected customers, collectively seeking a claim amount of approximately $4.1 million. The Federal Court has taken on the case and ruled in favor of the claimants, directing the company to provide the settlement amount.

Who is included in the Settlement Class and what Subaru vehicles are affected?

You qualify as a settlement class member if you reside in the continental United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, and currently own or lease, or have previously owned or leased one of the following Subaru vehicles:

  • 2015-2020 Subaru Outback
  • 2015-2020 Subaru Forester
  • 2015-2020 Subaru Legacy
  • 2015-2020 Subaru WRX
  • 2019-2020 Subaru Ascent


The company has established criteria to ensure that only eligible claimants receive the settlement amount. To qualify, individuals must be permanent residents of the United States and provide proof of residency. Subaru customers who have experienced battery failure are eligible to apply for the settlement and must submit documentation such as a bill of purchase for the vehicle.

Applicants must have been residents of the United States for a certain number of years and be taxpaying citizens. They are required to provide payment bills, a warranty card, an identity card, and any other relevant documents. Additionally, claimants must fill out the settlement form accurately to be considered for the settlement.

Class Action Lawsuit Payment News

The battery is a crucial component of electric vehicles and must function properly. However, the company has not successfully addressed battery issues in their vehicles. Subaru is offering an extended warranty service to those who have encountered problems. All batteries will be replaced following the settlement.

Individuals who have experienced health issues or disabilities due to accidents and have applied for Disability Benefits in the USA can benefit from this. SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) are key programs providing monthly payments to eligible citizens.

Legal action has already been taken against the misconduct affecting customers, and settlement funds will be transferred to claimants as soon as possible. For ongoing updates, please continue to check the leading portal.

Payment Date

Subaru Corporation, a leading brand in the US for electric vehicles, has a strong business model focused on meeting customer needs. The company asserts that its vehicles are designed with high standards and free from issues. However, customer complaints have led Subaru to allocate a significant amount for claimants.

The extent of customer losses is difficult to quantify. These losses include the financial burden of purchasing an electric vehicle and accidents caused by battery failures, which often result in medical expenses. Additionally, customers with vehicle loans may need the settlement funds to repay their loans.

Payments will be disbursed on staggered dates following the conclusion of the lawsuit. To receive payment, claimants must have a warranty card and provide photos of the vehicle’s affected battery system. For updates and to check the status of their application and payments, beneficiaries can visit the website


What does the settlement offer to qualified class members?

The settlement provides an extended warranty service for qualified battery failures that occur on or after the official notification date. It also provides potential cash reimbursement for battery replacement, diagnosis, towing services, and reasonable costs related to being stranded due to a battery failure.

How do I file a Subaru Battery Settlement claim?

To file a claim, visit the “File A Claim” page on the official settlement website. The deadline to submit claim forms and supporting evidence is 60 days after the effective date, which may be as early as May 5, 2023.

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