Energy Relief Grant 2024-25: Eligibility Criteria & Claim Process

The Australian Government will introduce the Energy Relief Grant in 2024-25. This financial assistance program is designed to help ease the burden on households and small business of increasing electricity costs.

This comprehensive program is backed by an investment of $3.5 billion and aims to provide significant rebates for eligible recipients. It will ensure a reduction in their electricity bills. This page will tell you everything you need about the grant. Its eligibility and application process.

Energy Relief Grant 2024-25

Energy Relief Grants are part of a government strategy to reduce the cost of living. They provide financial relief for electricity bills. This program provides annual rebates for both small businesses and households to help them better manage their energy costs.

Key Benefits

  • Households : $300 per annum
  • Small Business: $325 Per Year

The rebates are divided into quarterly installments and will be automatically applied by electricity retailers.

Eligibility Criteria


You must be a household member to qualify for the rebate.

  • Resident :  Must be an Australian resident, including the external territories.
  • Electricity Connect : Must have a current electricity connection at a participating retailer.

Small Businesses

Small businesses are eligible for:

  • Registration Must be registered in Australia and operate.
  • Electricity consumption Must meet state or territory specific threshold. In South Australia, for example, a small company is defined as one that consumes less than 160MWh annually.

Businesses should also make sure that their electricity is connected to a separate business account at their retailer.

Claim the Grant


The process for households is simple:

  • Automatic Applicant The $300 annual rebate is automatically credited to your electricity bill in quarterly installments starting July 1, 2024.
  • Inquiries If you don’t see your rebate on your electricity bill, please contact your retailer to confirm that you are eligible and the status of your application.

Small Businesses

Small businesses that qualify will also be able to benefit from the automatic application process.

  • Automatic Rebate : The $325 annual rebate will appear on your electricity bill in quarterly installments.
  • Eligibility check: Verify that you are eligible by checking your state’s or territory’s annual electricity consumption threshold. Contact your electricity retailer if you don’t receive the rebate.

Australia Energy Bill Refund News

The Energy Relief Grant forms part of a larger government effort to reduce the impact of rising electricity costs.

  • One Year Rebate : A $300 rebate to all Australian households starting July 1, 2024.
  • Inflation control: This rebate is designed to lower the inflation rate overall by lowering household energy bills.
  • State Based Programs This rebate is additional to any state based energy support program, such as Queensland’s $1000 rebate.

Key Facts

  • Non Means-Tested : The rebate does not require a means test, so all households are eligible.
  • Previous concessions This program replaces $250 in previous concessions that expired on June 2024.
  • Application Simplicity No application form is required for the majority of households and small businesses eligible. The rebate is automatically applied.

The Australian Government has taken a major step to ease the financial burden of the rising cost of energy.

The initiative offers automatic rebates for households of $300 and for small businesses of $325. It is intended to provide immediate and direct financial relief.

You can benefit from the program if you understand your eligibility, and ensure that your retailer has your current information.


What is the amount of the household rebate?

The household rebate is $300 per year, payable in quarterly installments.

What is the Small Business Rebate Amount?

Small businesses that qualify will also receive a rebate of $325 per year, divided into four equal quarterly payments.

Do I have to submit a rebate application?

The rebate will be automatically applied by your electricity retailer.

When will the rebate begin?

The rebate will start in July 2024.

Does the rebate have a means test?

The rebate is available to all households and small businesses eligible for the program.

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